Friday, July 17, 2009

Ukes for everybody.

I bought my third ukulele this week.

According to NPR, ukulele sales are way up. Surprising, if you happen to know that instrument sales overall are down 20%. But if you flop around on the Internet much, you might not be so surprised after all. The uke, it seems, is everywhere.

I have been (at times) a tortured banjo player, a mediocre guitar player, and a passable vocalist. But I can hold my own on the ukulele. Anybody can--because there's no such thing as a bad ukulele player.*

They are inexpensive (you can get a good soprano ukulele for less than $50), easy to learn, and are tiny enough to carry in most handbags. The only instrument easier to get into is the kazoo--but take it from me--the kazoo is just going to make your lips tickle and irritate the people around you.

And let's face it--you don't get this with the kazoo.

via Ukulelehunt, who has a ukulele vid for every taste.

More nice ukulele videos here and here.

*Granted, some are less bad than others.

Image, Southcoasting.


Monda said...

Oh, I've definitely got to see you with the uke. I'll make my request list by Aug. 15th.

Woodshed said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog.

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